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USB Bracelet w/60+ Free Songs!


The future is here! Grab our music in style with this 3-in-1 bracelet. This flashy wristband is actually a 2gb USB flash drive that can go into any computer or car with a USB port. On this portable hard drive is 60+ free songs!

On this portable hard drive is over 60 free songs from us! You have every CD we've put out and MUCH MORE right on your wrist.

Originals, singles, covers, instrumentals, vocals, Holiday music and more!

*Updated for November 2023*

I'm not into technology, how does this work? - That's okay! Simply plug this into your computer and a folder will pop up with songs. Double click to play, burn a CD, send to friends - whatever!
I have a USB port in my car, will it play there? - YES! As long as this is a data port and not a charging only port
Should I buy more than one? -YES, your support gets us in the studio more often, to make more music
Will this work on Mac computers? - YES
What can I do with this music? - Play on your computer, put into iTunes, burn a CD, play in your car, share with friends, anything (legally) you want with it :)
What else can I do with it? -But wait, there's more....once you take our music off and put on your computer, you have a stylish wristband you can put ANY digital files you want on it. Homework, files from the office, more music, pictures, videos.
Is this waterproof? -Unfortunately no it is not waterproof, it will hold up with sweat though

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